Thursday, August 23, 2012

There is good and happiness everywhere if you just look for it.

I'm reading Half the Sky.  It's heartbreaking, agonizing, and makes me angry.  I can't even get through more than about 20 pages or a chapter in one sitting.  It's too much to take in.

So.....when I saw a post from Megan Wilcken, it lightened my mood and reminded me of the good we can find if we just look for it.

"I love this video! Here's what the artist had to say about it:
Whenever I see and hear reports of Africa in the media, more often than not, they seem to regularly convey war, poverty, and economic strife. I believe that generally we get what we look for, so I decided to look for and highlight the beauty of the land, the zestful enthusiasm for life in the brothers and sisters, and the innocent youthful joy of the children.  Guess what? We found it!"

Friday, August 10, 2012

"Investment in girls education....

may be the highest return investment in the developing world."  Lawrence Summers, Chief Executive-World Bank.
The water project still needs support and donations.  If you would like to help bring clean water to the girls dormitory,  send me a message.  Any creative idea will be considered.  I've updated my etsy site with a few new items and have a few more coming.  Check early and often!!
We are still counting on numerous, small donations to reach our goal of $10,000 ($7500 to go!).   Recently,  I've branched out into professional fundraising:  grant writing and corporate sponsorships.  If any readers have tips or suggestions, please send them my way.
Below is a link updating you on the Samburu Girls Dormitory.

Thanks for reading!