Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Let's drink tea and talk about happy things...

Drizzle.  The dreary, bone cold rain coupled with the tough gut topics I write about just makes me want to snuggle up with comfort.  Hot tea and cookies, talking with my besties or reading a great book is one of the best ways to spend an afternoon.

Just in time for cold weather and holiday gifting, teapot cozies (see etsy at side bar).  Thank you talented Mom and Aunt for creating these lovely tea pot warmers.

Here's a great idea!  Why don't you pair your cozy with a box of Smith Tea, made right here in the Pac NW.  If you can't decide which one to try, I suggest no. 67 Meadow.  I call it the haute couture of chamomile blends.  It's extremely delicious, fragrant and pretty.  Please tell them I sent you if you visit their shop or purchase on line.

Proceeds from cozy sales go to raising awareness of domestic human trafficking and promoting girls education worldwide.

Thanks for looking.
Drop me a note if you have questions or want to have tea,

Photo credit:  Thank you Jen!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Read every day.

"It is a moral failure that 200 million girls woke up today and didn't go to school."*

I've thought a lot about this since I scribbled it in my notebook as I watched Half the Sky last year.

Like many who live in a western culture, we are inclined to build wealth.  Whether it be spiritual, personal or material (more! Now! MORE!) we are inundated with opportunities to become richer.  If you are lucky enough to read, you are wealthier than most of the world.  Wealth lies in literacy.  If you can read, you can learn.  If every girl had the opportunity to achieve literacy,  we would see a drastic reduction in poverty, violence, forced prostitution, crime, and overpopulation.   I see it as a snowball effect..... soft, delicate little snowflakes growing stronger into a fierce white out blizzard.

On my side bar you will find a link to Amazon.  If you read every day, infrequently, or like to give books as gifts, please consider ordering through this link.  Amazon will reward me with a small percentage of the sale and I will forward proceeds to programs that advance human rights for girls worldwide.   Currently, we are focusing on the Kenya Keys scholarship program and Mei-Mei Ellerman's personal campaign to raise money for the Polaris project, a non-profit dedicated to eradicate modern day human slavery.

*Quote from John Reed, the director and founder of Room to Read.
Excerpt from Half the Sky PBS documentary.