Monday, July 18, 2011

Lunchbox napkin project! Reduce and Reuse!

For example: 2 lunchbox napkins used as placemat and napkin!
When daughter started preschool, the school's lunchbox policy was no waste (and two fruits and vegetables).  Every school day, I packed 2 cloth napkins: one for her placemat, and one to use.  Not sure if it's a french school lunch custom, but I thought the policy was lovely.  To carry on the tradition, I started the lunchbox napkin project.
It's ready to go...finally!!!..a few choices are posted on my Etsy site.  See sidebar for link to shop.
Thanks for your ongoing support.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

If I had a dollar for every time I thought about this......

It would be complete!  But I don't.   Soooo, here's the nitty.

Still need: $8,000.00 (for the water/plumbing/sanitary component).

Proposed date for dormitory completion: May 2011.

What the dormitory will provide:  Housing for 160 female students (14-19 years old) at Samburu High School.

Why this is good:  Because the world needs more educated women.  Click here to read earlier serious stuff post.  See updated (!) side bar with links to articles.  Or just google:  educated women and poverty.

What you can do: Purchase a little goody or two, or three.  Send in a tax-deductible donation (if you use the paypal button, please specify water project, and send me an email so I can get tax deduction receipt to you).  Think about water and the people in our world without it.  Tell someone you know about water issues and/or this project.  Become a named or anonymous follower.  Do as little or as much as you can.  But just do something.
You'll feel better by participating.  You know you will.