Lots of activities happening now, in the near future, and ongoing.
Now: Cake for a Cause. Try your luck at winning, hands down, the best cake from the best baker in the state of Oregon. Those of you who have had her cakes know what I am talking about! Call Georganne at 541-479-4559 if you want to buy a ticket.

Near Future: One of my dearest and most creative friends will open her Lake Oswego home for a children's holiday party Sunday, December 13th from 1-5 pm to benefit CFAC. Treats and crafts will be provided. Please email me at alampert712@gmail.com for information. Oh, and I'm going to have one at my house too. I will do pretty much exactly what she does......why reinvent the wheel? The date and time at my home TBD.
Ongoing: Headbands, notecards, and art sale. I'll get the links and photos for those up soon. But right now, I have to do my other job and get daughter to sleep.
*Does anyone out there know Tracyanne Campbell from Camera Obscura? Goodness, it would be more than I could say to get her to do some kind of benefit. Oh, I know, right, yeah, but if you're going to dream.....dream big!