Thursday, September 4, 2014

Updates on the first Jeffersonian Dinner

“Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action 
will delineate and define you.” 

As the first Wickersham Roundtable approaches, I thought I would send an update about the event location and talk a little more about the non-traditional development approach the Jeffersonian Dinner employs.

Location:  Due to unforeseen delays in the kitchen remodel downtown, the first dinner discussing ending the cycle of poverty for girls will be held in my Lake Oswego home.  The address is provided on the invitation.  Same stimulating conversation, excellent food and company, but in a different zip code!

Two questions have come up a few times in conversation about the dinner series:  Why a Jeffersonian Dinner and not a pay per plate dinner?  How to you connect development with a hosted dinner?

The dinner's purpose is to engage a diverse group of thinkers in a lively discussion about a topic over delicious food.  The purpose is not to actively fundraise.  To help cover dinner costs and generate support for the first dinner's partnered non-profit (Kenya Keys) I've approached local businesses and individuals for tax-deductible sponsorship.  Through sponsorship, dinner costs are covered and the non-profit organization gets some funding for the invaluable work they do furthering social justice.  It's a win-win think outside the box approach to generating support for a solvable issue we face in our world.

Thank you, Linnea Osterberg for generously sponsoring a portion of the dinner!   Also, thank you to the anonymous donor!

We are still looking for sponsors for the series.  If you or someone you know is passionate about social justice and would like to be a part of this innovative approach to discussing solutions please let me know!

I saw this yesterday and thought it was worthwhile to pass on.

Warmest regards,