Monday, August 11, 2014

It's a dinner party with a twist!

Wickersham Roundtable Dinner series 2014-2015.

Over the next 9 months I will be hosting 3 separate Jeffersonian Dinners (see side bar pages to get a detailed explanation of the dinner) in my historic NW Portland home. The dinners are intended to encourage stimulating, thought provoking conversations about issues women and girls face today.  Each dinner will highlight a different non-profit organization and touch upon different, yet inextricably intertwined topics.  There is no cost to come to the dinners.  Nor are there any formal presentations or obligations or requests for donations.  The only prerequisites are that you are interested in discussing the topic and enjoy eating delicious food prepared by a professional chef!

Dinner #1:  September 26, 2014 to highlight Kenya Keys.
Discussion: Ending the cycle of poverty for girls.
A portion of this dinner is generously sponsored by Linnea Osterberg, Photographer.

Dinner #2:  mid-Jan to mid-Feb (date and non-profit partner TBD).
Discussion:  The issue of rape culture in our society.

Dinner #3:  mid-May to mid-June 2015 (date and non-profit partner TBD).
Discussion:  How we interface with the homeless in our community and what we are teaching our children about this issue.

I invite you to join the google group at the sidebar, subscribe via email, or send me an email at to keep informed of dinner dates, discussions, and non-profit partners.  I promise you won't get a ton of email or notifications in your inbox.   I'd just like to keep track of who is interested in invitations to which dinner, and the subjects we are discussing so I don't miss sending out a formal invitation to an interested guest!

Feel free to forward this to your friends or family who may be interested!
Thanks for reading.

The fine print:  Because The Wickersham Roundtable Dinner series is not a traditional fundraising event (no tickets are sold, no items are auctioned off), we are always looking for corporate sponsors or personal donations to help offset the costs.  Donations made to the series will be tax deductible to the extent of the law.  Please note:  currently, we have partnered with Kenya Keys for Dinner #1, so any donations for that dinner should me made directly to them.  If you are passionate about another dinner topic and want to contribute, I will be updating this site with non profit partners as they are confirmed.
Feel free to contact me with any questions about sponsorship!